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Prostate Cancer Awareness

U.S. County-level Study Shows Life-Saving Impact of PSA Screening

By Deb Hickey A new study of U.S. counties found that higher rates of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening are linked to lower incidences of advanced or metastatic prostate cancer and reduced prostate cancer mortality rates in subsequent years.   USPSTF Recommendation Led to Disastrous Results  In 2012, the…


COMPPARE Newsroom Prostate cancer research news…

Once Again, A Lapse in Screening Can be Costly

By Bob Marckini Last month, a gentleman told us, sadly, that his father had died from prostate cancer. He then admitted he’d met with his primary care doctor only sporadically over the years and, despite this, didn’t even have regular PSA tests or DREs. Further, he skipped doctors’ visits completely…

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

If you are a man between the ages of 55 and 69, September is a good time to schedule a prostate screening, one that includes both a PSA blood test and prostate examination. Consider the numbers: Prostate cancer is the most common genitourinary cancer treated by a urologist and the…

Partner Spotlight: Hampton Roads Prostate Health Forum

Hampton, Virginia is one of the nation’s most diverse areas of the country, and with diversity comes more opportunity to understand and address health disparities. The Hampton Roads Prostate Health Forum (HRPHF) combines the area’s diversity with its focus on addressing health disparities. The organization’s mission is to raise…

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

If you are a man between the ages of 55 and 69, September is a good time to schedule a prostate screening, one that includes both a PSA blood test and prostate examination. Consider the numbers: Prostate cancer is the most common genitourinary cancer treated by a urologist. Approximately one…