Hampton, Virginia is one of the nation’s most diverse areas of the country, and with diversity comes more opportunity to understand and address health disparities.
The Hampton Roads Prostate Health Forum (HRPHF) combines the area’s diversity with its focus on addressing health disparities. The organization’s mission is to raise awareness and provide education regarding the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer through community and national outreach programs, synergistic communications and an established health alliance with local, regional and national medical organizations and providers.
The HRPHF consistently works with community partners to address prostate health, and because September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, early detection and treatment education will keep them busy. As a COMPPARE partner, HRPHF has featured the study’s mission and outreach information to assist with education and enrollment. This helps COMPPARE provide engagement support to the Hampton Proton Therapy Institute, its area site partner.
As part of HRPHF’s upcoming Prostate Cancer Awareness Month activities, a heavy focus will be put on addressing early detection for men beginning at the age of 40. Events are planning to recruit and educate men on early detection.
“We plan to invite and celebrate all of the men who turn age 40 for education and screening,” said Founder Charlie Hill (shown right). “In each of the upcoming months we will focus on various prostate cancer issues, including the importance of participation in research studies.”
September activities will also feature HRPHF Prostate Cancer Warriors and Survivors talking about their experiences, and a panel of prostate cancer researchers, and experts.
HRPHF also hosted a successful Prostate Cancer Summit last February. For more information visit hrprostatehealth.com.
The Hampton Roads Prostate Health Forum and other COMPPARE Partner Organizations offer diverse racial, geographic, and educational perspectives and support, providing valuable information for prostate cancer patients across the country. We are grateful for their continued contributions.