COMPPARE Reaches Its Pragmatic Proton Patient Enrollment Goal

The COMPPARE Coordinating Center announced on September 1, 2021 that the study had reached its Pragmatic Proton enrollment goal of 900 patients, completing and closing that arm of the proton cohort.

The 900th patient was enrolled by the Proton Therapy Treatment & Research Center of the Loma Linda University Medical Center, Loma Linda, CA. The COMPPARE team will now focus on completing enrollment within the randomized controlled trial (RCT) arm of the proton cohort (goal of 600 patients) and the photon cohort (goal of 1500 patients) by the end of 2022.

On December 15, 2020, the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) approved an adjustment to the original sample sizes of both the pragmatic and the randomized subsets within the proton therapy cohort of the COMPPARE study, which both shortened the time needed to complete patient enrollment into the randomized trial and improved its feasibility.

Pragmatic Proton Tracker - FINAL