COMPPARE Study Highlighted in Cancer Connections Presentation

COMPPARE DesignOn February 17, 2021, Cancer Connections, a UF Monthly Educational & Networking Meeting, presented “COMPPARE Clinical Trial: Protons vs Photons to Treat Prostate Cancer.”

Dr. Nancy Mendenhall, M.D., FACR, FASTRO, COMPPARE Principal Investigator, provided an overview of the UF-led national ongoing prostate cancer clinical trial, highlighting the differences between between proton and conventional photon radiation therapy. She also shared the steps and challenges in designing, conducting, and funding a prospective clinical trial.

In addition, Dr. Mendenhall’s presentation touched upon the importance of patient engagement in the success of a clinical trial like COMPPARE, and the strategies the study employs to ensure engagement.

Cancer Connections brings together cancer patients, survivors, caregivers and cancer health care professionals who treat or provide a service to those affected by cancer. Attendees gain a deeper awareness of current research, treatment options and health care services available for cancer care.

To view Dr. Mendenhall’s talk, visit