The COMPPARE team was pleased to announce on November 13, 2020 that the study had enrolled 1,000 patients, one-third of its 3,000-patient goal.
COMPPARE’s partner site, the James M. Slater, MD Proton Treatment & Research Center, Loma Linda, CA, enrolled the 1,000th patient.
COMPPARE stands for “A Prospective COMparative Study of Outcomes with Proton and Photon RAdiation in PRostate CancEr (COMPPARE).” The study compares the quality of life, side effects, and cure rates for prostate cancer patients treated with proton therapy or photon therapy. Participants answer brief surveys regarding treatment choice, quality of life, and side effects for at least 3 years. In addition, proton therapy patients can choose to participate in a randomized trial that will evaluate whether quality of life, side effects, and prostate cancer cure rates differ between patients receiving the standard therapy versus a shorter therapy.
The study will enroll 1500 patients receiving photon therapy and 1500 patients receiving proton therapy. As of February 5, 2021, COMPPARE had enrolled 1210 participants, comprising 268 photon participants, 295 Randomized Control Trial (RCT) proton participants, and 647 pragmatic proton participants.
Prostate cancer patients are participating in COMPPARE from across the US. There are 51 participating sites geographically distributed throughout most regions of the US.
Thank you to all participating patients who are making this study possible!