Posts tagged as

Prostate Cancer

Site PIs, Co-Investigators, and Researchers

The site principal investigators, co-investigators, and researchers will be responsible for supervision of research staff, protocol development, patient accrual, initial data submission review, analysis of outcomes, and generation of PCORI milestone reports. Mark Artz, PhD UF Health Proton Therapy Institute Physics Co-Coordinator…


The Advanced Technology Consortium (ATC) will provide an informatics infrastructure and quality assurance process to support the submission, review, and analysis of volumetric imaging and treatment planning data for the COMPPARE study. Leadership of the ATC includes:   Walter Bosch, DSc…

Executive Board

While the PI will have oversight for the design and conduct of the trial, the Executive Board will review all aspects of the study, accrual progress, conflicts, and resolutions, and will provide guidance to the PI. Executive Board members include: Nancy Mendenhall, MD University of…

COMPPARE Newsletter: Summer 2020

A Message from Dr. Nancy Mendenhall As we continue our important work for COMPPARE, we have joined national organizations in developing procedures to treat patients with prostate cancer and other malignancies safely during the COVID-19 outbreak. In addition, we are collaborating with our sites to strengthen their…

Minority Engagement Group

The Minority Engagement Group will develop local advocacy manpower for education, recruitment, enrollment, and dissemination of study results in study communities. Coordinated by Charles Griggs, the MEG will develop specific culturally appropriate educational materials and programs for use in local recruitment. Members include: Curtis Bryant,…


The COMPPARE Consortium comprises a diverse group of clinicians, researchers, patients, and other stakeholders all committed to directly comparing the potential benefits and harms of proton versus photon therapy. The COMPPARE Consortium Organizational Chart is outlined below. NOTE: The UF Institutional Review Board and the…


Study Overview What is COMPPARE? What is the goal of COMPPARE? Why is COMPPARE important for patients? Information for Participants   What is COMPPARE? COMPPARE stands for “A Prospective COMparative Study of Outcomes with Proton and Photon RAdiation in PRostate CancEr (COMPPARE).”…